Thursday 4 July 2019


In the beautiful Amazon, the Province of Loreto, declares sanitary emergency in communities affected by a disastrous oil spill ...

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) today declared a sanitary emergency for a period of 90 days in the native communities affected by the oil spill in the district of Manseriche, province of Datem del Marañón, in Loreto.

Is it a coincidence that cancer rates in the Amazon are on the rise? Watch the video below for more information, with the English section starting here

A woman with a tumor weighing more than a kilo calls for support .... Family father with third-degree cancer needs supportive support... and yet, not a word about the contaminated water and ground and how it is causing cancer in people...

Regarding fracking, all water is connected. All of the damage will come back to haunt us. Cancer will flow down these rivers and eventually enter into our tap water. The air quality in the areas that use petroleum or natural gas refineries is gruesome, and lung cancer is very high in these regions. 

Your own government, along with the oil companies, poisoning it's own people for profit .This is the harsh reality.Fracking, the current form of petroleum extraction, is using YOUR clean water, up to two million gallons of water each time ...sucking out that black petroleum of hell , producing five thousand barrels of oil each day ,  that is eight hundred thousand litres, at Lot 8 in Loreto ... contaminating one of the largest water basins in the world.the carcinogenic chemicals used for fracking arebeing pumped into the ground, and leaking out of pipes, poisoning the water supply and causing cancer in people who use that water for a living.With the vast amount of water they use for fracking, they are turning clean pure water into carcinogenic unusable wastewater.It's time to end this genocide, side with the people, defend their rights, fight for what is good, before there is nothing left to live on this earth.


Let's Ban ALL Fracking, not just Michigan:

Loreto Oil Spill Disaster:

Women with Tumor:

Man with Cancer:

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