Thursday 4 July 2019


In the beautiful Amazon, the Province of Loreto, declares sanitary emergency in communities affected by a disastrous oil spill ...

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) today declared a sanitary emergency for a period of 90 days in the native communities affected by the oil spill in the district of Manseriche, province of Datem del Marañón, in Loreto.

Is it a coincidence that cancer rates in the Amazon are on the rise? Watch the video below for more information, with the English section starting here

A woman with a tumor weighing more than a kilo calls for support .... Family father with third-degree cancer needs supportive support... and yet, not a word about the contaminated water and ground and how it is causing cancer in people...

Regarding fracking, all water is connected. All of the damage will come back to haunt us. Cancer will flow down these rivers and eventually enter into our tap water. The air quality in the areas that use petroleum or natural gas refineries is gruesome, and lung cancer is very high in these regions. 

Your own government, along with the oil companies, poisoning it's own people for profit .This is the harsh reality.Fracking, the current form of petroleum extraction, is using YOUR clean water, up to two million gallons of water each time ...sucking out that black petroleum of hell , producing five thousand barrels of oil each day ,  that is eight hundred thousand litres, at Lot 8 in Loreto ... contaminating one of the largest water basins in the world.the carcinogenic chemicals used for fracking arebeing pumped into the ground, and leaking out of pipes, poisoning the water supply and causing cancer in people who use that water for a living.With the vast amount of water they use for fracking, they are turning clean pure water into carcinogenic unusable wastewater.It's time to end this genocide, side with the people, defend their rights, fight for what is good, before there is nothing left to live on this earth.


Let's Ban ALL Fracking, not just Michigan:

Loreto Oil Spill Disaster:

Women with Tumor:

Man with Cancer:

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Vacunas causantes de enfermedades en el Perú y en el mundo

Hoy, voy a discutir cómo las vacunas están causando el síndrome de Stevens-Johnson, las reacciones adversas y los ingredientes sangrientos y asquerosos (as-kai-rosos) de las vacunas. Primero, una historia:

En Arequipa, un niño de 9 (nueve) años desarrolló una enfermedad luego de recibir una vacuna sin la autorización de sus padres. Recibió una vacuna MMR (sarampión paperas rubéola) en su escuela como parte de una campaña patrocinada por el estado.

"Ese día regresó algo descompensado, luego hizo fiebre y tenía puntos rojos, pensamos que era sarampión y estuvimos controlando la fiebre con paracetamol. Dos días después tenía ampollitas que se fueron reventando ”, narró su padre.

Ahora les digo lo que los medios de comunicación NO le dirán a las personas la verdad sobre las vacunas. Algunos de sus principales patrocinadores son las compañías farmacéuticas y sus socios. Muchos de nuestros doctores y directores de salud han sido adoctrinados con mentiras.

Según el gerente regional de salud, Leonardo Chirinos, Jhon no sufrió esta enfermedad por la vacuna. Descubrimos la causa del problema del niño, la vacuna, el diagnóstico, la indicación, el síndrome de Stevens-Johnson, las alteraciones en la piel, el manejo de la información.

Qué MONTóN de mentiras! Recordemos que este niño sufrió DESPUÉS de recibir la vacuna, no antes.Echemos un vistazo (vistaso) al síndrome de Stevens-Johnson:

Es un transtorno raro y grave de la piel y las membranas mucosas. Generalmente es una reacción a un medicamento o una infección. A menudo, comienza con síntomas parecidos a los de la gripe, seguidos de una erupción dolorosa de color rojo o púrpura que se propaga y ampollas.

¿Sabes cómo suena eso? ¡Suena como los efectos secundarios de tomar una vacuna! Leamos la etiqueta de la popular vacuna MMR y veamos lo que enumera como reacciones adversas solo para la piel.

Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson; eritema multiforme; urticaria; erupción; erupción parecida al sarampión prurito ...

Este es solo UN ejemplo de las muchas complicaciones que pueden surgir (surghir) debido al uso de vacunas. El síndrome de Guillain-Barré (Jullian Barre) TAMBIÉN figura como contraindicación. ¿No nos enteramos de esas historias del síndrome de Guillain-Barré hace unas semanas? Lo que el director de medios o de salud no nos dijo es que estaban realizando campañas de vacunación masivas antes de que ocurrieran esos incidentes. El director de salud se aseguró de que mencionara que el síndrome de Guillain-Barré NO es causado por vacunas. Que broma.

Basado en la última ciencia, ¿sabía que el virus contenido en la vacuna MMR puede mutar o recombinarse, causando una enfermedad en su hijo? Esto es según estudios realizados en animales: "Los virus debilitados utilizados en las vacunas pueden intercambiar genes y producir cepas causantes de enfermedades". ¿Puedes creer ESTO? Esto es solo UNO de muchos daños que podrían ser fatales.

Hay muchos informes médicos que discuten el desarrollo del Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson DESPUÉS de recibir una vacuna. Su piel está reaccionando al virus, y algunos niños son más desa-fortunados que otros, dependiendo de sus cuerpos, factores y circunstancias. De hecho, puede leer muchos informes de niños que des-arrolla-ron otros trastornos de la piel también después de recibir vacunas. No encontrará un estudio que analice esto directamente, simplemente no les hace dinero. Nuestra literatura científica ha sido secuestrada y tiene fines de lucro.

Las autoridades nos dicen que los casos de Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson después de la vacunación son raros, pero ¿debemos confiar en ellos?

No olvide cada vez que, cuando toma MMR o otra vaccunas, se inyecta lo siguiente (sig-ee-ente) directamente en tu sangre:

• Suero bovino fetal
(esto es SANGRE DE VACA)
• Albúmina humana
• Sorbitol, 14.5 mg.
• Fosfato de sodio
• Sacarosa, 1.9 mg
• Cloruro de sodio
• Gelatina Hidrolizada
• Antibióticos

Los virus también se cultivan en células de embrión de pollo, y no me refiero a tu pollo broaster ...
en caso de que alguien quiera desarrollar una alergia a los huevos. Y algunas cepas del virus vivo se cultivan en fibroblastos de pulmón diploides humanos ... esto es tejido pulmonar de un feto hembra abortado de 3 meses de edad, que se ha cultivado hasta el día de hoy. Toda esa sangre suena un poco satánica, ¿no?

Absolutamente asqueroso. ¿Desearía inyectar toda esa mierda en su sangre o en la sangre de tu hijo? ¿Qué crees que sucede cuando tu sistema inmunológico no puede defenderse por sí mismo o cuando tu cuerpo comienza a atacarse a sí mismo o cuando este virus sobrevive y muta en los próximos meses y años, quieres saber qué sucede? El sistema de salud corrupto y los médicos lo etiquetan, diciéndole que usted tiene una enfermedad. Pero nadie se atreve a cuestionar la ciencia sucia detrás de estas vacunas dogmáticas.

Que el Creador te proteja a ti y a tus hijos de esta maldad.


Saturday 15 June 2019

VACCINES in northern Peru (Piura) caused Guillain-Barré

"This study discovered a total of 1098 patients with GBS onset from October 1, 1976 to January 31, 1977 in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, a total of 532 patients had recently received a vaccine against influenza A / New Jersey before its onset of Guillain-Barré "(American Journal of Epidemiology)

In this article, we will show you that vaccines are causing Guillain-Barré and other autoimmune diseases. Governments and their vaccine sponsors are hiding this to cover up for the pharmaceutical companies.

First of all, let me ask you: would you like to inject neural tissue, animal cells or animal blood into your bloodstream?

Second question: what do you think your body will do when you try this? Your immune system will attack it, which will result in an autoimmune disease. You are confusing your body and your immune system. Due to many different factors, some people may develop problems, while others may not.

For the unfortunate, their immune system will continue to attack their body, especially when those foreign cells (and viral DNA) remain present in the body, which will cause the symptoms of Guillain-Barre ... Welcome to the world of mad science and man-made drugs. Let's hear what what happening in Peru:

Piura and other regions declare an emergency due to an increase in cases of Guillain Barré
Given the excessive increase in cases of Guillain-Barré, in addition to two new victims in Piura and La Libertad, the Ministry of Health (Minedu) evaluates the declaration of emergency in the regions that to date report cases of this syndrome.According to the Deputy Minister of Health, Neptalí Santillán Ruiz, to date the Piura region reports 36 cases, of which five patients are with a reserved diagnosis, due to the fact that they are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), besides three dead. While in the La Libertad region, the first fatality was reported.
In the next few months, you will see a lot of advertising announcements from governments and news reports, using children to reach your heart, whether these stories are false or real, to convince you to vaccinate you and your children. And what better way to convince you than to scare you with measles and other diseases. Let's hear some lies:

Minister of Health rejects that vaccines are related to Guillain-Barré ...

The Minister of Health, Zulema Tomás, rejected that the application of vaccines, against pneumonia, measles, rubella or mumps, has some relation with the cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

"I have been hearing that the vaccines would be related to this syndrome (Guillain-Barré) .This is totally false, on the contrary, at this moment we are in a vaccination sweep to avoid measles, pneumonia, rubella, mumps. Vaccines have nothing to do with this syndrome, and on the contrary, they protects us, "the head of the Ministry of Health told TV Peru.

Perhaps we should share with the Minister of Health what he may or may not know about the cheap vaccines that are sold to countries in South America, such as Peru:
[a very small fraction of] People can develop Guillain-Barré syndrome due to vaccines and vaccines like the meningococcal vaccine, the poliovirus vaccine, the influenza vaccine and the rabies vaccine ... older ones are more commonly used in the Asian and South American countries due to its cost-effective nature. (US National Library of Medicine)

Can you believe that? The very thing that the Health Minister was denying, actually can cause GBS. I think that the government is reacting to the fact that people today are questioning vaccines and the damage they cause to our bodies. So the corporate-owned media put out some disease stories to get people focused on vaccination. Health ministers will deny this fact because they are just another puppet, continuing to promote pharmaceutical indoctrination. All this is to benefit the pharmaceutical companies.

What people need to understand is that the health authorities in Peru were conducting mass vaccination campaigns in recent months, shortly before this outbreak of Gullain Barre. How ironic:

The regional health directorate of Piura today began its visits to educational institutions in the framework of the national vaccination campaign against measles, rubella, mumps and poliomyelitis from June 1 to 30. In the region of Piura, the goal is to vaccinate 319 thousand 706 girls and boys. under 11 years old and is expected to achieve 100% coverage of the target population. In the case of children from 2 to 4 years of age, they will receive the oral polio vaccine (2 drops) and a dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. In the case of children from 5 to 10 years old, they will receive the measles and rubella vaccine.

In April, under the slogan "Protect your community, do your Vaccinate part," the regional health directorate Piura launched the Americas vaccination at the Los Algarrobos health center.
That's the right people: they're coming after your children. They want to inject them with viruses, toxins, human and animal blood. 

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) admits that "very rarely", flu vaccines can develop GBS in the days or weeks after vaccination.

A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine:

Guillain-Barré syndrome and the influenza vaccines of 1992-1993 and 1993-1994

The number of reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with the influenza vaccine in the national system for reporting adverse events for vaccines increased from 37 in 1992-1993 to 74 in 1993-1994, which raised concerns about a possible increase in the risk associated with the vaccine.

In another study, using data in the US From 1976 to 1977:

This surveillance discovered a total of 1098 patients with GBS onset from October 1, 1976 to January 31, 1977 in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A total of 532 patients had recently received a vaccine against influenza A / New Jersey before their onset of GBS (cases vaccinated)

We interviewed 180 of 273 adults with Guillain-Barré syndrome; 15 refused to participate and the remaining 78 could not be contacted. Vaccine providers confirmed vaccination against influenza in the six weeks prior to the onset of Guillain-Barré syndrome in 19 patients.

Now, many people have no idea what vaccines contain. And if you knew, you might be surprised to learn how they are grown and the type of ingredients they contain: animal or, in some cases, human albumin (which comes from the blood), antibiotics (neomycin), human fetal cells, bovine serum. Contaminated viruses, formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, basically, things that do NOT belong to your body. Just take a look at a typical MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella).

MMR vaccines contain live measles, mumps and rubella viruses. Regardless of whether these viruses are weakened or dead, studies have shown that they can remain dormant for years and then activate in your body.

Should we really be injecting dead viruses into our bloodstream? Should we really believe that injecting human and veal blood from the fetus of a cow is good for us? It sounds like a dark ritual Satanic practice ...

Health authorities say that these vaccines stimulate the immune system but do not cause diseases in healthy people. At the same time, they claim that the MMR vaccine should not be given to people who are clinically immunosuppressed. What about the fact that it can cause immune problems?

Did you know that the following infections have also been associated with Guillain-Barré: influenza and mononucleosis? Mycoplasma pneumonia ... just to name a few ... the SAME types of disgusting cultured viruses found in vaccines, which can mutate once they enter your body

This is just a study that was conducted on Guillain Barre syndromes and their relationship with vaccines. Keep in mind that you are also minimizing the side effects of vaccines:
A small fraction of people can develop Guillain-Barré syndrome due to vaccines and vaccines such as the meningococcal vaccine, the poliovirus vaccine, the influenza vaccine and the rabies vaccine.

Older formulations of rabies vaccines are grown in neural tissues and have been found to have an increased risk of contracting Guillain-Barré syndrome. Although older immunogenic anti-rabies vaccine formulations are more commonly used in Asian and South American countries due to their cost-effective nature. There is little or no information available on the incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome due to vaccines in Pakistan. Most cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome due to vaccination are not diagnosed or diagnosed incorrectly. In this case report, we present a case of Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with the vaccine due to the antirabic neural tissue vaccine in a girl who presented weakness in the lower extremities, inability to urinate and abdominal pain.

Did you know that the most common known etiology of Guillain-Barré syndrome is the marker of a pathogen called Campylobacter jejuni?

Surprisingly, a strain of Campylobacter pathogen and many others were found in a child who had received the MMR vaccine. Here is a study by Ann Saudi Med:

Blasini et al reported a 12-month-old male with a history of two days of eruption and purple swelling of the legs, palms, soles and ear lobes. He had a 10-day history of upper respiratory infection, fever, conjunctivitis, and vomiting treated with tobramycin, amoxicillin, and ibuprofen. Approximately three weeks before admission, he received vaccines for chickenpox and MMR. Therefore, the MMR vaccine is a probable trigger in this case.

Acute hemorrhagic edema of childhood ... We report that a two year old child with AHEI after the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. As far as we know, this is the second reported case after an MMR vaccine.

We are reporting the second case of AHEI apparently triggered by MMR. AHEI was also reported after specific infections, including adenoviruses, streptococci, staphylococci, tuberculosis, Coxsackie virus, Campylobacter, rotavirus, 26 hepatitis A viruses, cytomegalovirus and pneumococcal bacteremia (Note how many viruses this child had after being vaccinated).

Look at these vaccines, which contain viruses, that make these viral pathogens proliferate in people's bodies. The emergence of autoimmune diseases and outbreaks of virus may worsen in the near future, at least for Peru, as their government and others, begin their massive vaccination campaigns:

The Supreme Decree that bears the headings of the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, and of the Minister of Health, Zulema Tomás Gonzáles, indicates that the Ministry of Health currently has a budget of S /. 6,740,000, to finance the care of the health emergency, amount that corresponds to the Institutional Budget of Pliego 011- Minsa, that is to say that it will not add additional resources to the public treasury in the current year.

7 million soles of their tax dollars will go to inject viruses and animal blood in young children and the public. These stories of Gullain Barre and others in the future will be used to scare people to vaccinate, while justifying the purchase of millions of vaccines by the government.


VACUNAS en el norte de Perú (Piura) causaron Guillain-Barré

"Esta vigilancia descubrió un total de 1098 pacientes con inicio de SGB desde el 1 de octubre de 1976 hasta el 31 de enero de 1977 en todos los 50 estados, el Distrito de Columbia y Puerto Rico. Un total de 532 pacientes habían recibido recientemente una vacuna contra la influenza A / New Jersey antes de su inicio de Guillain-Barré" (American Journal of Epidemiology)

En este article, le demostraremos que las vacunas están causando Guillain-Barré y otras enfermedades autoinmunes. El gobierno lo niega, para encubrir a las compañías farmacéuticas.

En primer lugar, permítame preguntarle: ¿le gustaría inyectar tejido neuronal, de células animales o sangre animal en el torrente sanguíneo ?

Segunda pregunta: ¿qué crees que hará tu cuerpo cuando intentes esto? Tu sistema inmunológico lo atacará, lo que resultará en una enfermedad autoinmune. Estás confundiendo tu cuerpo y jugando con su sistema inmunológico. 

A veces, tu sistema inmunitario continuará atacando tu cuerpo, especialmente cuando esas células extrañas permanezcan presentes en tu cuerpo, lo que provocará los síntomas de Guillain-Barre ... Bienvenido al mundo de la ciencia loca y las drogas hechas por el hombre.
Primero, la historia ...

Declaran en emergencia Piura y otras regiones por incremento de casos Guillain Barré

Ante el incremento desmesurado de casos de Guillain-Barré, además de dos nuevas vítimas en Piura y La Libertad, el Ministerio de Salud (Minedu) evalúa la declaratoria de emergencia en las regiones que a la fecha reportan casos de este síndrome.
Según dijo el viceministro de Salud, Neptalí Santillán Ruiz, a la fecha la región Piura reporta 36 casos, de los cuales cinco pacientes se encuentran con diagnóstico reservado, debido a que se hallan hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), además de tres muertos. Mientras que en la región La Libertad se reportó la primera víctima mortal.

En los próximos meses, verá una gran cantidad de anuncios publicitarios por parte de los gobiernos e informes de noticias, utilizando a los niños para llegar a su corazón, ya sea que estas historias sean falsas o reales, para convencerte de que lo vacune a usted y a tus hijos. Y qué mejor manera de convencerte que asustarte con el sarampión y con Guillain Barre. Vamos a escuchar algunas mentiras:

Ministra de Salud rechaza que vacunas tengan relación con Guillain-Barré … 
La ministra de Salud, Zulema Tomás, rechazó que la aplicación de vacunas, contra la neumonía, sarampión, rubéola o parotiditis, tenga alguna relación con los casos del síndrome de Guillain-Barré. 
"He estado escuchando que las vacunas estarían relacionadas a este síndrome (Guillain-Barré). Esto es totalmente falso. Al contrario, en este momento nos encontramos en un barrido de vacunación para evitar la sarampión, neumonía, rubeola, parotiditis. No tiene que ver nada la vacuna con este síndrome, al contrario, nos protege", dijo a TV Perú la titular del Ministerio de Salud. 

Quizás deberíamos compartir con la Ministra de Salud lo que él puede o no saber acerca de las vacunas baratas que se venden a países de América del Sur, como Perú:
La gente puede desarrollar el síndrome de Guillain-Barré debido a vacunas y vacunas como la vacuna meningocócica, la vacuna contra el poliovirus, la vacuna contra la influenza y la vacuna contra la rabia ... más inmunogénicas más antiguas se usan más comúnmente en los países asiáticos y sudamericanos debido a su naturaleza costo-efectiva. (US National Library of Medicine)

El gobierno está reaccionando ante el hecho de que las personas están cuestionando las vacunas y el daño que causan a nuestros cuerpos. Niegan este hecho porque quieren continuar con su adoctrinamiento farmacéutico. Todo esto es el motor del beneficio de las compañías farmacéuticas.

Lo que la gente necesita entender es que las autoridades sanitarias de Perú estaban realizando campañas de vacunación masivas en los últimos meses, poco antes de que ocurriera este brote de Gullain Barre. Que irónico:

La dirección regional de salud de Piura comenzó hoy sus visitas a instituciones educativas en el marco de la campaña nacional de vacunación contra el sarampión, la rubéola, la parotiditis y la poliomielitis del 1 al 30 de junio. En la región de Piura, el objetivo es vacunar a 319 mil 706 niñas y niños. menores de 11 años y se espera que logre una cobertura del 100% de la población objetivo. En el caso de niños de 2 a 4 años de edad, recibirán la vacuna oral contra la polio (2 gotas) y una dosis de la vacuna contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola (MMR). En el caso de niños de 5 a 10 años, recibirán la vacuna contra el sarampión y la rubéola.
En abril, bajo el lema "Proteja a su comunidad, haga su parte Vacúnate", la dirección regional de Salud Piura lanzó la vacunación de las Américas en el centro de salud de Los Algarrobos.

Ésa es la gente adecuada: están persiguiendo a sus hijos. Quieren inyectarlos con virus, toxinas y sangre humana y animal.

El CDC (Center for Disease Control) admite que “en muy raras ocasiones”, las vacunas contra la gripe pueden desarrollar GBS en los días o semanas posteriores a la vacunación.

Un estudio publicado por el New England Journal of Medicine:

El síndrome de Guillain-Barré y las vacunas contra la influenza de 1992–1993 y 1993–1994

El número de informes de síndrome de Guillain-Barré asociado a la vacuna contra la influenza al Sistema nacional de notificación de eventos adversos a las vacunas aumentó de 37 en 1992–1993 a 74 en 1993–1994, lo que suscitó preocupación por un posible aumento en el riesgo asociado a la vacuna.

En otro estudio, utilizando datos en los EE. UU. De 1976 a 1977:

Esta vigilancia descubrió un total de 1098 pacientes con inicio de SGB desde el 1 de octubre de 1976 hasta el 31 de enero de 1977 en todos los 50 estados, el Distrito de Columbia y Puerto Rico. Un total de 532 pacientes habían recibido recientemente una vacuna contra la influenza A / New Jersey antes de su inicio de GBS (casos vacunados)

Entrevistamos a 180 de 273 adultos con el síndrome de Guillain-Barré; 15 se negaron a participar y los 78 restantes no pudieron ser contactados. Los proveedores de vacunas confirmaron la vacunación contra la influenza en las seis semanas previas a la aparición del síndrome de Guillain-Barré en 19 pacientes.

Ahora, muchas personas no tienen idea de lo que contienen las vacunas. Y si lo supiera, podría sorprenderse al saber cómo se cultivan y el tipo de ingredientes que contienen: animal o, en algunos casos, albúmina humana (que proviene de la sangre), antibióticos (neomicina), células fetales humanas, suero bovino. Virus contaminados, formaldehído, mercurio, aluminio, básicamente, cosas que NO pertenecen a su cuerpo. Solo eche un vistazo a una vacuna típica de MMR (sarampión, paperas, rubéola).

Las vacunas MMR contienen virus vivos de sarampión, paperas y rubéola. Independientemente de si estos virus, o están debilitados o muertos, los estudios han demostrado que pueden permanecer latentes durante años y luego activarse en su cuerpo.

¿Realmente deberíamos estar inyectando virus muertos en nuestro torrente sanguíneo?

¿Deberíamos realmente creer que inyectarnos sangre humana y de ternera derivada del feto de una vaca es bueno para nosotros? Suena como una oscura práctica satánica ritual ...

Las autoridades de salud afirman que estas vacunas estimulan el sistema inmunológico pero no causan enfermedades en personas sanas. Al mismo tiempo, afirman que la vacuna MMR no debe administrarse a personas que están clínicamente inmunodeprimidas. ¿Qué hay del hecho de que puede causar problemas inmunes?

¿Sabías que las siguientes infecciones también se han asociado con Guillain-Barré: influenza y mononucleosis?

neumonía por micoplasma ... solo para nombrar unos pocos ... los MISMOS tipos de asquerosos virus cultivados que se encuentran en las vacunas, que pueden mutar una vez que ingresan a su cuerpo

Este es solo un estudio que se realizó sobre los síndromes de Guillain Barre y su relación con las vacunas. Tenga en cuenta que también están minimizando los efectos secundarios de las vacunas:

Una pequeña fracción de las personas puede desarrollar el síndrome de Guillain-Barré debido a vacunas y vacunas como la vacuna meningocócica, la vacuna contra el poliovirus, la vacuna contra la influenza y la vacuna contra la rabia.

Las formulaciones más antiguas de las vacunas contra la rabia se cultivan en los tejidos neurales y se ha encontrado que tienen un mayor riesgo de contraer el síndrome de Guillain-Barré. Aunque las formulaciones de vacunas antirrábicas más inmunogénicas más antiguas se usan más comúnmente en los países asiáticos y sudamericanos debido a su naturaleza costo-efectiva. Existe poca o ninguna información disponible sobre la incidencia del síndrome de Guillain-Barré debido a las vacunas en Pakistán. La mayoría de los casos de síndrome de Guillain-Barré debido a la vacunación no se diagnostican o se diagnostican de forma incorrecta. En este informe de caso, presentamos un caso de síndrome de Guillain-Barré asociado a la vacuna debido a la vacuna antirrábica del tejido neural en una niña que presentó debilidad en las extremidades inferiores, incapacidad para orinar y dolor abdominal.

¿Sabía que la etiología conocida más común del síndrome de Guillain-Barré es el marcador de un patógena llamado Campylobacter jejuni?

Sorprendentemente, una cepa de patógeno Campylobacter y muchas otras se encontraron en un niño que había recibido la vacuna MMR. Aquí hay un estudio realizado por Ann Saudi Med:

Blasini et al informaron sobre un varón de 12 meses de edad que presentaba un historial de dos días de erupción e hinchazón púrpura en las piernas, palmas, plantas y lóbulos de las orejas. Tenía antecedentes de 10 días de infección respiratoria superior, fiebre, conjuntivitis y vómitos tratados con tobramicina, amoxicilina e ibuprofeno. Aproximadamente tres semanas antes de la admisión, recibió vacunas para la varicela y MMR. Por lo tanto, la vacuna MMR es un factor desencadenante probable en su caso.

Edema hemorrágico agudo de la infancia ... Informamos que un niño de dos años con AHEI después de la vacuna contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola (MMR, por sus siglas en inglés). Por lo que sabemos, este es el segundo caso informado después de una vacuna MMR.

Estamos reportando el segundo caso de AHEI aparentemente desencadenado por MMR. También se notificó AHEI después de infecciones específicas, incluyendo adenovirus, estreptococos, estafilococos,  tuberculosis, virus Coxsackie, Campylobacter, rotavirus, 26 virus de la hepatitis A, citomegalovirus y bacteriemia neumocócica.

Mire las vacunas, que contienen virus, que hacen que estos patógenos víricos proliferen en los cuerpos de las personas. La aparición de enfermedades autoinmunes y brotes de virus puede empeorar en un futuro cercano, ya que el gobierno de Perú y otros, comienzan sus campañas masivas de vacunación:

El Decreto Supremo que lleva las rúbricas del presidente de la República, Martín Vizcarra, y de la Ministra de Salud, Zulema Tomás Gonzáles, señala que el Ministerio de Salud cuenta actualmente con una partida presupuestal de S/. 6 740 000, para financiar la atención de la emergencia sanitaria, monto que corresponde al Presupuesto Institucional del Pliego 011- Minsa, es decir que no irrogará recursos adicionales al tesoro público en el presente año.

7 millones de soles de su dinero de impuestos se destinarán a inyectar virus y sangre animal en niños pequeños y en el público. Estas historias de Gullain Barre y otras en el futuro se utilizarán para asustar a las personas a vacunar, al tiempo que justifican la compra de millones de vacunas por parte del gobierno.



Monday 10 June 2019

Peru Earthquake Caused by FRACKING - a recap

During the same month of this rare earthquake, PetroTal reported that it began drilling operations on May 7th, for a second oil production well in the Brittany field (Block 95) of Loreto. They drilled more than 3 km into the ground, reaching the Vivian rock formation. In this area of Loreto, PetroTal has been extracting at least 2,250 barrels (360,000 L) of crude oil per day, from deep underground oil reserves. Keep in mind that the deep drilling operation started on May 7th and can take up to 10 days  … One week later, on May 26th, the 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck, in the same area … Coincidence? I think not.

This is the first time in history that an 8.0 magnitude Earthquake strikes the Loreto region of the Amazon in Peru. This occurred in a region where earthquakes aren't known to occur - far away from any tectonic activity. But that will soon change in the following years, as oil and gas activities increase in the Pacaya Samiria reserve, which is surrounded by 3 major oil fracking sites : lot 8, lot 95, and lot 103, all well within 30 miles of where the odd earthquake struck.

These fracking operations are now scientifically known to cause earthquakes, as they inject water and rock-dissolving acids into rock formations below, building up immense pressure underground. They also contaminate underwater reservoirs, which supply springs and connect to other important water basins. Fracking is often done near or along active or inactive faults, which contain oil reserves nearby. The alteration of pressure below, injection of toxic well wastewater, while emptying oil reserves below, can cause an enormous void to form, which can cause underground collapsing.

It has also been confirmed by studies that fracking can reactivate dormant faults, causing them to slip, meanwhile causing new fractures to form and grow. The result is temblors and earthquakes. Study after study, in the US and elsewhere, it is now an established fact that fracking causes earthquakes, and it is finally admitted by the USGS. It's time to take a stand against  fracking, offshore drilling, ocean and land mining - it's time to protect the Amazon, oceans, and indigenous communities from further oil spill damage and natural resource exploitation.

Sunday 9 June 2019

8.0 Earthquake in Loreto Peru Caused by FRACKING Site

A Very Odd Earthquake Indeed

During the same month of this rare earthquake, PetroTal reported that it began drilling operations on May 7th, for a second oil production well in the Brittany field in Block 95, in Loreto, which was producing at least 2,250 barrels of crude oil per day. Keep in mind that the deep drilling operation started on May 7 and can take up to 10 days  … they drilled over 3 km down into the earth. Within 2 weeks later, the 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck, in the same region …

 Peru, was hit by a 8.0 magnitude earthquake on May 25th at 2:40 am Lima time. It left at least one person dead, 11 people injured and several hundred buildings damaged. The earthquake was so strong that it was felt through most of the country, and even sent vibrations as far as Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil. 

The quake - the biggest to strike the country in 12 years – originated in northern Peru the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve Park, deep in the Amazonian jungle, precisely where fracking is conducted by oil and gas companies. Lot 8 is only one example, producing more than 5,000 barrels of crude oil per day.  The epicentre of where  this earthquake occurred is also surrounded by Lot 95 and Lot 103, all of which are well within 50 miles.

During the week prior to this rare earthquake, PetroTal was drilling for a second oil production well in the Brittany field in Block 95, in Loreto, not far from where the earthquake had struck. Now you may be asking, what does fracking have to do with earthquakes? Well, a lot. With the evidence coming in from one study after another, scientists are now more certain than ever that oil and gas drilling is causing hundreds upon hundreds of earthquakes across the U.S., each year … and it makes you wonder… what about Peru and other places around the world?

The 8.0 earthquake that struck Amazon on May 25th in the region of Loreto, close to the Pacaya Samiria reserve is definitely no hot spot for earthquakes. What is strikingly odd about this earthquake is that this area in the Amazon has never been known to receive earthquakes and the locals living there found it very unusual. 

The IGP (Geophysical Institute of Peru) downplayed the intensity of this earthquake, declaring: sismo de Loreto no fue un terremoto, sino un movimiento "de gran intensidad”. In other words, the Loreto earthquake was not an earthquake, but a movement "of great intensity". They claim this, based on the lack of damage caused by this earthquake, in an area that is not very populated – but can you imagine if that same earthquake struck in the area of Lima, with the same intensity? We’re talking about an area of over 9 million people, crowded with buildings and high rises. Can you imagine how much damage it would have caused?

Statistics dating from the 1900’s  to 2015 show that this area around Pacaya Samiria in Loreto is not prone to any seismic activity. However, due to increased fracking and seismic exploration over previous years, this has started to change. People living in other areas are noticing changes and experiencing unusually large temblors. Oil and gas companies have been injecting huge amounts of chemicals and oil well wastewater into the ground, building up immense pressure, and altering rock formations underneath the ground. Eventually something is going to give, and when it does, it results in seismic activity – in other words, an earthquake. 

Fracking and Earthquakes

Human activities that change stresses in Earth’s surface—like hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) and wastewater disposal—are known to cause earthquakes, even in areas where earthquakes are not historically common.

Hydraulic fracturing involves drilling a long steel pipe — a vertical wellbore — into the earth until it hits a rock formation layer containing oil or natural gas. The wellbore then turns and extends horizontally, before “fracking fluid” is pumped through the pipe at high pressure.

In hydraulic fracturing, a slurry of water, sand, and toxic chemicals are pumped through the ground at high pressures, cracking open rocks to release oil and natural gas. This produces earthquakes. Disposing of wastewater by injecting it into the crust can also trigger quakes: As the increased fluid pressure migrates away from the well, it can reach a well-oriented fault that is close to breaking and cause it to slip, triggering deep and shallow earthquakes. Since these deeper faults are often larger, they are capable of producing larger earthquakes.

Research scientists who work for the Geological Survey of Canada, tell us that when you inject into the ground and you elevate the pore pressure, the pore pressure can prime a fault, to prime it to slip,". Even once a fracking operation has ceased, the pressure remains and can still induce future seismic activity.

The relationship between fracking, oil drilling, and anything for that matter that disturbs the rock formation below can cause earthquakes, minor or large, sometimes with the slightest stress or with prolonged stress over time - Earthquakes occur when a crack underground — a fault — pulls apart. 

Guess what’s been happening since December 2018 until now ….

On December 1, the exploitation phase of Lot 95 began, located in the province of Requena, southeast of the Loreto region, which will be in charge of Petrotal Perú SRL. This operation will increase the current production of oil in the country by more than 25%, at its peak moment.

The operation will start with extended tests of the current well and then continue drilling new wells in 2019. The company reported that the objective is to drill up to 11 oil wells and four wells for production water disposal, in the next two to three years.

Now you can simply guess what they were doing during the Month of May, when this large earthquake struck … you guessed it – drilling deep underground oil wells, possibly even conducting seismic exploration – all resulting in disturbance of the rock formations below, which could very well have caused the earthquake on May 25th….

Fracking and Drilling Can Activate Dormant Faults

It is now a fact: Oil and gas drilling triggers man-made earthquakes. And this has been seen in at least eight US states, with findings from the USGS. More than a dozen areas in the US have been shaken in recent years by small earthquakes triggered by oil and gas drilling, according to government reports.

Experts tell us that the spike in seismic activity in the US is mainly caused by the oil and gas industry injecting wastewater deep underground, which can activate dormant faults. A few instances stem from hydraulic fracturing, in which large volumes of water, sand and toxic chemicals are pumped into rock formations in order to free oil or gas. Quakes could continue even if injections were stopped because pressure changes already induced in deep rock can migrate for years, possibly encountering faults.

PetroTal Drilling the Week Prior to Earthquake

During the same month of this rare earthquake, PetroTal reported that it began drilling operations on May 7th, for a second oil production well in the Brittany field in Block 95, in Loreto, which was producing at least 2,250 barrels of crude oil per day. Keep in mind that the deep drilling operation started on May 7 and can take up to 10 days  … Within 2 weeks later, the 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck, in the same region …

PetroTal is projected to produce 39.8 million barrels of reserves with a production peak of up to 10,000 barrels per day, in the next 3 years. It should be noted that Petrotal Peru SRL (formerly Gran Tierra Energy Peru SRL) is the owner of 100% of the License Contract for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in Block 95.

This oil and gas project will then be painted with a false pretense of animal conversation efforts and employment opportunities, in order to convince the public that they care about human health and environment.

And as if this isn’t enough already, communities living in Loreto have already been dealing with contaminated waters and oil spills. The Regional Emergency Operations Center (COER) Loreto reported to date there are 331 people affected by the recent outcrop of hydrocarbons from an abandoned oil well in the Miraflores town center, located on the banks of the Tigre River, province and department of Loreto. This is only one example of the many communities that are suffering, especially for remote indigenous communities who rely on the environment for their survival.

The apu Edison Flores said that the oil spill was an untenable situation and that humanitarian aid is an obligation of the Peruvian state to serve the communities that have been victims of oil exploitation for more than 40 years.

A study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey finds the largest earthquake ever recorded in Kansas was linked to wastewater injection into deep underground wells — a process known as fracking. The November 12, 2014 earthquake, occurred 40 miles southwest of Wichita near the town of Milan. It registered almost 5 on the Richter scale and was felt as far away as Memphis. According to the USGS, the epicenter of the quake was located in an area were seismic activity is extremely rare but was adjacent to known fracking operations

How Fracking Caused Oklahoma's Biggest Earthquake Ever

Oklahoma has experienced a major increase in earthquakes in recent years, including a 5.7-magnitude temblor that injured residents and damaged 200 buildings in November 2011. Swarms of quakes have continued in 2015.

A new study in the journal Geology is the latest to tie a string of unusual earthquakes, in this case, in central Oklahoma, to the injection of wastewater deep underground. Researchers now say that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake near Prague, Okla., on Nov. 6, 2011, may also be the largest ever linked to wastewater injection. Felt as far away as Milwaukee, more than 800 miles away, the quake—the biggest ever recorded in Oklahoma--destroyed 14 homes, buckled a federal highway and left two people injured. Small earthquakes continue to be recorded in the area.

The sudden and violent increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma since 2008 has been well documented: in 2009, the state recorded 50 earthquakes; in 2015, that number exploded to 6,479. Historically, Oklahoma is not a state known for its seismic activity. From 1975 to 2008, Oklahoma averaged only one to three 3.0 magnitude (or greater) earthquakes annually, but from 2009 to mid-2013, this annual average grew to about 40.

Oklahoma is now the most seismically active state in the continental United States – more than California. That’s not a record Oklahomans should be happy to claim. And now, Oklahoma is breaking new ground: an earthquake in the state on September 3 was the strongest ever recorded there, with a magnitude of 5.8.

From 2009 to 2014, as earthquake activity increased drastically, wastewater injection volumes grew by about 43 percent.

Oil Drilling Could Be to Blame for Devastating 1933 California Quake and Others

Research published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America suggests that several earthquakes in the Los Angeles area between 1920 and 1933 may be attributable to oil and gas drilling in the region, reports Annie Sneed for Scientific American.

They found that oil and gas drilling occurred near the epicenters of four major quakes in the LA area, and could have played a role in setting off the temblors. In all cases, the drilling extended down at least 3,000 feet, which was particularly deep for that day and age.

And the quakes were not minor. Sneed points out that the 1933 Long Beach earthquake was 6.4 magnitude, killing 120 people and causing $50 million in damage. The other quakes in the study include the 1920 Inglewood quake, 1929 incident in Whittier and 1930 Santa Monica earthquake.

Texas Sinkholes: One Example out of Many

Several cases throughout the 20th century have demonstrated how withdrawal of oil, gas and associated water from underground reservoirs could lower the land elevation, and cause earthquakes, and activate faults. In 1980, residents of the West Texas town of Wink awoke one morning to find a 370-foot wide, 110-foot deep sinkhole a couple of miles north of downtown. Geologists suspect the sinkhole formed as a result of oil extraction in the area whereby extractors pumped saltwater out from underneath the surface and left a large void that the above layer of earth eventually collapsed into. A second, even bigger sinkhole opened up nearby in 2002.

No matter which way you look at it, extracting water or oil from underground reserves will alter the porosity of rock formations, the underlying pressure, and cause chunks of land to become displaced, collapse, or activate faults, resulting in temblors and larger-sized earthquakes over time. It is a dangerous practice. This, along with injecting rock-dissolving chemicals and water at high pressure, will cause rock formations to fracture, creating new faults, or igniting already present faults. And when all this added pressure does release, it causes temblors and earthquakes.

Offshore Oil Drilling near Tectonic Plates and Earthquakes

Can you guess what happens when you start drilling for oil out in the ocean, near seismicially active subduction zones and ocean trenches? You guessed it ... more earthquakes.

Since the start of offshore oil drilling just around the early 1900s up until now, there have been more than 10,000 “strong” earthquakes—with magnitudes of 6 or greater—around the world, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Between 2004 and 2014, 18 earthquakes with magnitudes of 8.0 or more rattled subduction zones around the globe. That's an increase of 265 percent over the average rate of the previous century, which saw 71 great quakes, according to a report to the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America this week in Vancouver, British Columbia.

When you look at the charts, you see earthquake frequency increasing, along with oil production and offshore drilling – imagine how much disturbance and pressure changes we are causing in oceans and deep underground, as we suck out all those reserves of oil, and inject the ground with wastewater and rock-dissolving toxic chemicals. The whole tectonically-active coast of Peru and Chile has been getting drilled for oil and gas offshore, especially in the recent 10 years. What makes this worse is that many oil and gas reserves are located close to faults, and that is where much of  the oil and gas extraction is taking place – setting off more earthquakes  … And it’s only getting worse folks … 

The whole coast of Peru, Equator, and Chile is has been zoned for oil and gas extraction, right along active tectonic plate boundaries and it is full of active oceanic faults. This western coast of South America is full of offshore drilling sites, which have been increasing activity over the past 10 years. You can just guess what that means for earthquakes …

Keep in mind that no drilling site is never fully leak-proof, and there will always be unknown incidents of ocean contamination, killing off marine life. If we look around the world and see how many fish, whales, and other sea-life are washing up ashore DEAD in the thousands, it makes you question offshore drilling. These toxic chemicals that are being released from deep underground should stay underground. They are wrecking havoc on land and in our oceans. Can you imagine what our beautiful beaches and oceans will become in the next 30 years? 

One sign for us is the BP oil spill disaster - an oil spill that has been quietly leaking millions of barrels into the Gulf of Mexico has gone unplugged for so long that it now verges on becoming one of the worst offshore disasters in U.S. history. Between 300 and 700 barrels of oil per day have been spewing from a site 12 miles off the Louisiana coast since 2004. 

Another problem is the abandoning of wells. When you break large holes into areas of pressurized ocean crust, you to deal with the problem of patching it back up. More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one -- not industry, not government -- is checking to see if they are leaking, an Associated Press investigation shows.

The oldest of these wells were abandoned in the late 1940s, raising the prospect that many deteriorating sealing jobs are already failing. There's ample reason for worry about all permanently and temporarily abandoned wells -- history shows that they often leak. Wells are sealed underwater much as they are on land. And wells on land and in water face similar risk of failure. Plus, records reviewed by the AP show that offshore wells have failed.

Deepsea Mining

Experts predict that removing a sizeable portion of the seafloor could cause a major disturbance. Deep-sea mining may release toxic plumes of sediment from mining machinery, degrading or killing the seabed's filter-feeding organisms vital to the vent food chain. Deep-sea mining can reopen naturally closed vents and release sulfur and methane compounds toxic to surrounding ecosystems. Some predict the mining could cause sub oceanic landslides, while others fear the equipment will produce enough noise and vibration in the floor-to-surface water column to disrupt the lives of marine mammals that live there. As conservationist Charles Clover said, "The potential for conflict between commerce and conservation is huge."

Fracking the Amazon

Look at the oil spilled in the world's 2nd 'Best Place for Wildlife'

Since 2016, more than 20,000 barrels of petroleum have spilled from the critical Peruvian oil pipeline, and 5,600 barrels have sprung leaks because of corrosion or operative failures ... this is only reported incidents.  

Well over half of the Peruvian Amazon is Leased for Petroleum Development. “These include American companies Occidental, ConocoPhillips, Barrett, Harken, Hunt, and Amareda Hess.” In addition, Pluspetrol of Argentina, Petrobras of Brazil, Repsol of Spain, Petrolifera of Canada, and Sipet and CNPC of China are all operating multiple concessions. Most new oil concession contracts establish a seven year exploration phase consisting of seismic studies and the drilling of several exploratory wells in remote jungle areas. 

The hydrocarbon industry's push into the Tropical Andes and Amazon, along with oil spills and environmental damage, is something that that is rarely mentioned in the media. Media attention has turned on crop, logging and cattle threats to the Brazilian Amazon. But recent oil and gas finds are turning the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains and the adjacent Amazonian lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia into a hydrocarbon hotspot.

In Peru and Ecuador, where biodiversity levels peak and activists say Big Oil has penetrated public institutions, the problem is especially concerning: Over half of Peru's pristine rainforests are now being explored for oil and gas, and they are not alone, as other countries nearby are experiencing the same problems.  

Look at the oil spilled in the world's 2nd 'Best Place for Wildlife'. Decades of exploration and exploitation has led to severe contamination in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in Peru’s Amazon. “Pacaya-Samiria”, as it’s dubbed, extends for just over two million hectares and is the second largest of Peru’s 170 “protected natural areas.” “Located near the Amazon headwaters in Peru,” “the reserve is home to some of the biggest wildlife populations in the Amazon.” Pacaya-Samiria is “by far the largest fisheries reproduction area in western Amazonia”.

However, don’t be misled by Pacaya-Samiria’s “protected natural area” status. Oil companies have been there for decades, and have now actively been fracking. Major operations are in the north-central part of the reserve which forms part of a concession called Lot 8, one of the top four most productive oil concessions in the country. In the 1970s, it was Peru’s own Petroperu working there, but since 1996 it has been Pluspetrol, initially leading a consortium but since 2003 partnered by the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). Lot 8 is known to produce more than 5,000 barrels of crude oil per day. 1 barrel of oil is about 160 L. 5000 barrels is nearly 800,000 L per day. Back in April, 2019, at Lot 8, 200 demonstrators attacked Pluspetrol's oil operation.

Roughly 10 years ago, Lot 164 and 154 on the outskirts of the southern side of Pacaya Samiria was purchased by Talisman from the government to conduct oil and gas operations. Currently, Talisman owns Lot 103, to the south west; and Gran Tierra owns lot 95 to the south east.

Pluspetrol also operates in the Marañón basin, in the Peruvian Amazon, Lote 1AB in Andoas and Lote 8, where the largest oil production in Peru is located, which represents a formidable logistical challenge due to its remote and semi-isolated location. It can only be reached by plane to Alfredo Bauer Airport, a small regional airport or by barge sailing the Amazonian rivers

In 2013, following the establishment of a government Cross-sector Commission the year before, several ministries entered Pacaya-Samiria to test the water, soil and sediment as part of a wider investigation of the Maranon basin and other rivers in Peru’s northern Amazon. The results were released in January 2014 and led to the Environment Ministry declaring 221,000 hectares of the Maranon basin - including most of the Lot 8 area in Pacaya-Samiria - to be an “environmental emergency” zone.

In November 2015 researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, and the Erasmus University Rotterdam released a report on contamination in Pacaya-Samiria. Based on a survey of 73 technical reports by public and private institutions analysing 420 water samples and 145 soil samples in the reserve, the report found that concentrations of lead, arsenic, nickel and cadmium in the water exceed legal limits, and also found evidence of contamination by TPHs and oils, which are unregulated. In addition, it found levels of TPHs, barium and lead in the soil exceeding legal limits - with the worst-hit zones near the centre of oil operations in the reserve, called “Bateria 3”, and along the pipeline running north to the River Maranon.

The researchers stated that in recent years Pluspetrol began to “reinject” its toxic production waters into the ground rather than dumping them into the reserve’s rivers, but claimed that “contamination connected to oil activities” has continued.

In the North Peruvian province of Loreto is home to both the Peruvian Amazon and 27 Indigenous tribes that have coexisted with and relied on the rainforest for centuries. However in the seventies, whilst the world was watching the Vietnam war, a small company called Apple was founded, and an ambitious new film series set in a galaxy far away was released, oil extraction moved into the Peruvian Amazon and grew to produce approximately 30% the Peruvian GDP. Since then, several oil corporations have been active in the region, companies such as OXY, Pluspetrol, China National Petroleum Corporation, and Petroperú, all participating in a relay race of dirty legacies.


We mustn’t tolerate the dangerous and literally earth-shattering effects of fracking any longer. The oil and gas industry has already shown its willingness to put profits over the health and safety of the people living in affected communities. And unless we stop fracking and keep fossil fuels in the ground right now, cities around the world can count on more environmental problems, less clean water, and likely worse, earthquakes.

If this fracking madness doesn't stop, pretty soon we'll be saying goodbye to our clean water reserves.

“There’s been no doubt in my mind what’s causing these earthquakes,” “Sadly, it’s really taken a long time for people to come around. Our lives are being placed at risk. Our homes are being broken. Our forests are being destroyed, our water contaminated, and our land poisoned, all in the name of economy, petrodollars, and the World Bank – to feed oil and gas giants.
