Saturday 5 October 2024

Hurricane Helene AGENDA - Lithium Land Grab

From Cali to Hawaii, it seems that the staged climate chaos is never-ending. Hurricane Elene recently ravaged North Carolina, leaving behind more questions than answers. Many, including researcher Dane Wigington, point to unnatural weather manipulation as the real cause behind the storm’s unusual behavior. According to Wigington, techniques like ionospheric heating using transmitters, combined with aerosol spraying of lithium, strontium, and other heavy metals, are being used to artificially fuel and steer storm systems. Once these storms reach land, NEXRAD sites are allegedly employed to guide their paths, creating targeted devastation. 

** Important: Don't forget to watch the STUNNING videos below. YouTube is heavily censoring these types of videos. Please download with aTube Catcher and share. Backup videos can be found on Instagram or Bitchute: TruthFreedomFighter **

Interestingly, North Carolina is home to some of the largest lithium deposits in the country, a resource of growing importance in the "green" energy transition. A recent White House document dated September 20, 2024, titled *FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Further Action to Strengthen and Secure Critical Mineral Supply Chains*, highlights a $90 million grant from the Department of Defense to Albemarle (North Carolina). This funding will restart the Kings Mountain lithium mine, expected to produce enough lithium to power 1.2 million electric vehicles (EVs) annually, while exploring other lithium deposits around the state.

Could this be more than just a coincidence? Many argue that Hurricane Elene was intentionally manipulated as part of a land grab (similar to Lahaina) aimed at securing these valuable resources. The connections between weather modification technology and critical mineral supply chains are becoming too strong to ignore. Whether it's for energy dominance or other motives, one thing is clear: the battle for control over these resources is being waged not just on the ground, but in the skies as well.

Videos - Hurricane Helene Weather Modification Agenda Exposed

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Saturday 24 February 2024

Palestine - Israel: A Darker Agenda in the Making

Strongest argument I've seen, by Ben-Gurion. The HEBREWS were always there. Yes, there were Jews, Muslims, and Christians - but not mixed Europeans, New Yorkers, and others who could simply claim it as theirs based on their religious creed. The short video can be seen here


Would you believe it though? They want to turn the Holy Land into their Babylon. They want to turn Masjid Al Aqsa into their Third Temple, where baby calves are slaughtered for blood sacrifice rituals, like the times of the High Priest Pagans, with their underground tunnels.

The Israelis set for new Jewish temple on Al-Aqsa site (France 24)

"This particular calf is not an accident; the Temple Institute has been working to breed a sacrificial cow for years, after importing red Angus cows from Nebraska". ( - That's right, they had to scientifically breed those red calves to fulfill "Torah Prophecy". 

Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple,' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year. (All Israel News) 


Now, you may or may not have guessed that Tek Aviv is the LGBT city hub of the world:

Welcome to Tel Aviv, the gayest city on earth - The estimate by officials in Tel Aviv is 25 percent of its population is gay. If the population of Tel Aviv is 420,000, that means 105,000 people in the city identify as LGBT (The Boston Globe) 

Tel Aviv is known internationally as one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, welcoming gay tourists with open arms, and also offering a safe refuge ...Tourist Israel › why...
Why Tel Aviv is the Ultimate LGBTQ Travel Destination (Tourist Israel)


God's chosen people right? 🤨 Why don't you ask these guys, who conveniently decided to claim their heritage:

Disgraced Hollywood director Brett Ratner, who stands accused by multiple women of rape and sexual harassment, revealed last week he relocated to Israel just days after being a special guest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly in New York. (The Cradle, Oct 2023)

Accused of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl in Oregon in 2000, he fled to Israel before authorities in the U.S. could apprehend him or figure out where he went...
(CBS News - How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel)

Israel Becoming a 'Refuge for Pedophiles,' Warns Advocate for Child Sex Abuse Victims.. (Haaretz)

Tip of the Iceberg': How Foreign Sex Offenders Find Refuge in Israel... (Haaretz)  

Many accused Jewish pedophiles in US flee to Israel — report (Times of Israel)

Child Abusers Find Refuge in Israel - Israel has become a haven for international sex offenders. Malka Leifer, a dual Israeli-Australian citizen who from 2003 to 2008 served.. (Daily Beast)

Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year, leading to about 100,000 victims annually, according to an Israeli pedophile ( Jerusalem Post)

These stories could disappear from the press any day, so I've uploaded screenshots to this blog post. 

ORAL SUCTIONING - Metzitzah B'peh

Now you may be quite shocked, as I was when I found out, that this is allowed to be practiced. Things are about to get gross, so READER'S DISCRETION is advised:

When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b'peh. Metzitzah b'peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby's circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. After metzitzah b'peh, some babies can get an infection. (NYC.Gov)

In metzitzah b'peh, the practitioner removes the baby's foreskin and then sucks blood from the wound to clean it. The practice is used.. (National Institute of Health)

All this stuff makes you wonder what was really going on in that underground Synagogue recently discovered by police in New York, with stained mattresses and stuff we will most likely never be told.


Now if you think that circumcision was ever a holy practice, think again. It was a pagan practice that dates back to Egyptian times, which High Priests brought into Judaism and false narrative of Abraham when they wrote the Torah. This belief later infiltrated into Islam, notably through ABU HURAIRAH, a claimed disciple of Muhammad pbuh, who is known to quote verses from the TORAH. 

Never once did Prophet Muhammad call circumcision a divine practice. Genital mutilation is a Judeo-Christian beleif, which originates from dark pagan rituals. The Quran is clear on the topic of genital mutilation:

(Shaitan said): "And surely I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse desires in them, and surely I will command them and they will cut the cattle' ears, and surely I will command them and they will ALTER God's creation. Whoever chooses Satan for a patron instead of GOD is verily a loser and his loss is manifest. (Quran 4:119)

On the Day of Judgment, there will be a group of believers who will say to the Divine that they never served the jinn, those dark spirits, and what they taught mankind:

They will say, "May You be exalted in Your glory. You are our protector, not THEM (the evil ones). Rather, they [the unbelievers] used to SERVE the jinn (evil spirits); most of them BELIEVED in them (Quran 34:41)


Now on to the next ugly topic of pedophilia. The first major written collection of the Jewish oral traditions, the Mishnah, also known as the "Oral Torah", tells us:

A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."

And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And they are liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman... 

If she is younger than that age, intercourse with her is like putting a finger in the eye. (Mishnah Niddah 5:4)

17 Now kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has ever slept with a man. 18 But the young girls who have never slept with a man, keep alive for yourselves.

So Jews are commanded to keep the children of their enemies, specifically the young girls, as sex slaves. The Mishnah, however, attempts to moderate this activity through the imposition of a moral/legal obligation upon the man - in having sexual intercourse with "a girl [aged] three years and one day" she becomes his wife and is owed all the legal rights of a wife.

While modern Jewry is unanimous in finding pedophilia abhorrent, contemporary attitudes against pedophilia in Judaism are the result of an evolving theological position that originated in a theological directive from Moshe himself to rape little girls as young as 3 years and a day. Theologically, Judaism has not and cannot forbid pedophilia. Instead, Rabbis have taken steps to regulate pedophilia out of existence, initially imposing the legal obligation of marriage upon the man, and later classifying the children of gentiles as unclean.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Israeli far-right lawmaker Avi Maoz accused the Justice Ministry of attempting to normalize pedophilia within the country by altering Israel's age of consent laws

Currently, the age of consent in Israel is 16 for all genders. However, that age of consent can go as low as 14, provided the other sexual partner was no more than three years older and both parties consented.


What are your thoughts on this? Palestinians are proved once again that this is their homeland that’s being taken from them, by the Israelis and those who are claiming their "Jewish heritage", coming to Israel as settlers, being offered land, especially in parts of Palestine. This has been happening since 1948. It's time that the world knows. 

Thursday 19 May 2022

SHOCKING: Sun AND Moon Zenith Affecting Climate

Do this right now to see the sun AND moon's affect on the weather. It's incredible and has nothing to do with fossil fuels and human caused climate change! We are entering a natural cycle change. It has all to do with the moon / sun cycle and zenith:

1. Go to and look at the "Day and Night World Map" for the date range of the week of May 18, 2022. 

2.  Rewind -6 hours (or -1 hr) each time, observing the sun and moon moving left to right on the map to see which parts of the continents they TOUCH. The moon zenith areas will be unusually COLD, while the sun zenith areas will be unusually HOT.

3. Search those zenith-touched areas in Google News. e.g. "Australia cold" (selected date range of May 18) or look at their temperature history for that day. Be sure to choose a city in the zenith area. The results are so obviously astounding. Do you see the patterns?

Right away, you will notice that during this season shift, the sun is bringing scorching hot weather to areas where it is at its ZENITH, and the moon is bringing freezing cold weather to the areas where the moon is at its ZENITH. 

It can only be concluded that we have been lied to about what the "zenith" actually is, and it has everything to do with its position being right above the observer, being a CLOSER distance than other areas of the planet. We have also been lied to about the moon's influence on weather. As we enter a potential food crisis, was this meant to divert farmers away from planting according to lunar cycles, like nearly all ancient cultures practiced? Why are they hiding the fact that both the sun and moon are both local and have opposite affects on climate? 

On the week of May 18, the waning moon reached its zenith (directly overhead the observer), for southern Australia, southern Africa, and southern South America (including southern Brazil). During this time, those same areas were (and are as this is written) experiencing the most unusual COLDEST temperatures, way below average. There is very unusually cold weather being reported in Brazil, South Africa, and Australia, PRECISELY where the waning moon is passing at its zenith. 

Likewise, the same is occuring with the sun, bringing scorching heat, except only at sun zenith-touched areas, such as northern Africa, southern US / northern México, and India. Those are the EXACT areas the sun is passing at its zenith. 

Why have scientific authorities downplayed the moon's affect on our climate? Why did all ancient cultures use the moon phases and position for agriculture? Why are they hiding the idea that the moon and sun are local, being much closer than we're told? The explanation for their affects on the weather would only make sense if they were in fact a LOT closer, when at their zenith (directly above the observer).

Are they hiding this phenomenon and cycle change in order to bring in new laws and enslave people into losing their rights in the name of climate change and environmentalism? 

Our current fabricated models passed down by the dogmatic science authorities just don't add up ...

If we accept that the moon can affect ocean tides, which is essentially water, why not cloud cover (water) also and weather patterns ? More clouds, means less sun and heating. We think we know everything, and I'm simply throwing out a hypothesis that hasn't been studied yet by western science. So let's talk about the facts: a waning 80% illuminated ZENITH moon passing directly over southern Australia, southern Africa, southern South America ... And BOOM! We suddenly got unusually lower than average cold temperatures (with clouds) the SAME day and week. Just look at the cloud cover created over those ocean regions where the Zenith Moon passed, later bringing cloudy into those continental areas. Coincidence right? 

Yet,  the ZENITH sun is passing over southern US / northern México, India, and northern Africa, bringing us scorching HEAT in those areas - and that is due to the sun, correct? Or is that also another coincidence. Why is it easier for people to accept that the sun can influence the weather, but NOT the moon? Perhaps a good amount of brainwash and educational programming since childhood. 

I'm just suggesting, think about it with an open mind, without science programming and preconceived beliefs. Although more research is needed, I have another example I stumbled across that can attest to this. If you care at all in doing some  independent research, look up "snow in Brazil" RECORD cold for July 28, 2021. Again, an 80% illuminated ZENITH Moon passing right over southern Brazil during those dates. I believe the moon phase also has something to do with it but still needs more investigation. Another odd coincidence, or something to see here? 
If we're on to something here, this information will be CRUCIAL to get out to people if we want to be able to successfully grow agriculture in a time of changing sun / moon cycles during a food crisis. 

What do you make of all this? Check out the photos below to see more May 18-19 anomalies.

#populationcontrol #staywoke #nwo #population #newworldorder #elite  #pinealgland #wakeuppeople #truthseeker #thirdeye #wakeupsheeple #anonymous  #conscious #collective #secretsocieties #openyoureyes #mindcontrol #consciousawareness #politics #selfaware #freedomthinker #illuminati #truthseeker  #conscious #awareness #peoplepower #depopulation #conspiracy #wakeup #climatechange #globalwarming #jeranism #crrow777 #iceagefarmer #prepper #foodcrisis #foodshortage #plandemic 

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Loreto y Amazonas de Perú: Espere MÁS terremotos De Compañías Petroleras

Un terremoto de 8.0 Mw golpeó a Perú y sus alrededores el 26 de mayo de 2019 ...

El segundo gran terremoto de 7.5 Mw golpeó a Loreto y sus alrededores el 28 de noviembre de 2021 ...

Por supuesto, no esperamos que la prensa, patrocinada y pagada (prácticamente propiedad) de las grandes corporaciones, admita lo que está a punto de escuchar. 

No olvidemos qué provocó el terremoto del 26 de mayo de 2019 en Loreto:

Durante el mismo mes de este raro terremoto, PetroTal informó que comenzó las operaciones de perforación el 7 de mayo, para un segundo pozo de producción de petróleo en el campo Bretaña (Bloque 95) de Loreto. Perforaron más de 3 km en el suelo, hasta llegar a la formación rocosa Vivian. En esta área de Loreto, PetroTal ha estado extrayendo al menos 2,250 barriles (360,000 L) de petróleo crudo por día, de reservas de petróleo subterráneas profundas. Tenga en cuenta que la operación de perforación profunda comenzó el 7 de mayo y puede demorar hasta 10 días ... Una semana después, el 26 de mayo, ocurrió el terremoto de 8.0 grados, en la misma zona ... ¿Coincidencia? Yo creo que no.


Es importante que TODOS comprendan cómo la extracción de petróleo y gas afecta el suelo debajo de nosotros, provocando terremotos. Lea más sobre esto aquí, y tambien mas detalles aqui. Aquí hay una pequeña lectura:

Ahora se sabe científicamente que estas operaciones de fracturación hidráulica causan terremotos, ya que inyectan agua y ácidos que disuelven las rocas en las formaciones rocosas que se encuentran debajo, acumulando una inmensa presión bajo tierra. También contaminan los reservorios submarinos, que abastecen a los manantiales y se conectan a otras importantes cuencas de agua. La fracturación hidráulica se realiza a menudo cerca o a lo largo de fallas activas o inactivas, que contienen reservas de petróleo cercanas. La alteración de la presión de abajo, la inyección de aguas residuales de pozos tóxicos, mientras se vacían las reservas de petróleo debajo, puede causar la formación de un enorme vacío, lo que puede causar el colapso subterráneo. 



Esto nos lleva a nuestro terremoto más reciente que ocurrió en noviembre de 2021 en Loreto y sus alrededores. A continuación, se muestran algunos puntos importantes a considerar:

En la segunda quincena de noviembre, PetroTal comenzó recientemente a perforar el pozo 9H, el quinto pozo horizontal de PetroTal perforado por la compañía ... Este será el pozo horizontal de alcance MÁS LARGO de PetroTal hasta la fecha ... Se planeó terminar la perforación y terminación en el segundo mitad de noviembre de 2021 ... justo en el momento en que ocurrió este terremoto, incluso considerando que el pozo todavía está a una distancia del epicentro, tenga en cuenta que comparten muchos de los mismos límites de placas, ya que están interconectados. [Yahoo News]

PetroTal también se complace en anunciar que el pozo 9H se completó el 1 de diciembre de 2021 para llenar el pozo con petróleo e inflar los empacadores... [BNAmericas]


Tenga en cuenta que este nuevo pozo (9H) de PetroTal SACARÁ más de 15,000 barriles de petróleo por día, esto es 630,000 galones o 2,385,000 litros de petróleo POR DÍA. Toda esa presión y estabilidad abandona el suelo, solo para causar más terremotos (desestabilizando la tierra debajo), derrames de petróleo más riesgosos y más dinero para otros países que explotan la hermosa Amazonía. Imagínese los cientos de miles de litros de desechos tóxicos que se utilizan para extraer petróleo y el material tóxico que libera al agua subterránea...

Espere muchos más terremotos en el futuro. Este es un asunto serio.

Esto no es nada nuevo, gente. Incluso los reguladores y científicos de petróleo y gas de Nuevo México están en alerta después de un aumento dramático en la actividad sísmica en el sur de Nuevo México, un aumento probablemente provocado por los pozos de inyección de la industria del petróleo y el gas en la Cuenca Pérmica. [NM Political Report]

Esta es una advertencia para Perú. O levántate y defiende lo que queda de tu hermosa tierra, donde viven los habitantes indígenas, tus hermanos ... o defiéndelos, o enfrenta duras consecuencias, y más terremotos mortales por venir, incluso en otras ciudades.

Otro Referencias:

Pedro Castillo y su semana más movida: el terremoto en Amazonas, las reuniones en la casa de Breña y la moción de vacancia presidencial


Terremoto en Amazonas: todo lo que se sabe del sismo de 7.5 de magnitud que remeció el Perú  : El terremoto de magnitud 7.5 en Amazonas, ocurrido en la madrugada del domingo 28 de noviembre, afectó diversas zonas de dicha región, así como localidades de otros departamentos. Por ello, el presidente Pedro Castillo anunció, el último lunes, la declaratoria del estado de emergencia en Amazonas, Cajamarca, Loreto y San Martín.


Terremoto en Amazonas: Usuarios registran el momento del sismo de magnitud 7.5 y reportan primeros daños

Monday 14 September 2020

CBC Admits Logging Machinery can SPARK Fires


Nova Scotia Forest fires started by logging 'machine tracks' prompt calls for temporary ban on logging - It begs the question if this contributed to the countless fires that have ravaged British Columbia.

120-hectare fire near Springfield were started in late May by "metal machine tracks creating sparks on rocky terrain."

Photos taken in both areas after the fires also show logging activity — there were piles of logs on the side of roads and charred stacks of logs.

"The ground is all dried out. It's really easy to go up in flames. Like you pick up a handful of moss or ferns and they're just like crumbling with dryness, and it takes nothing to set that kind of debris on fire." (You can thank logging for drying out our forests by clear-cutting trees and their moisture-retaining roots)

Nova Scotia government says it's monitoring conditions, but won't commit to halting forestry activity

Stacks of charred logs could be seen at the site of the fire in late May near Springfield, N.S. (Donna Crossland)

Some Nova Scotians are calling for a ban on logging during hot, dry weather after it was revealed that machinery in the woods caused two forest fires that spanned more than a hundred hectares in Kings County last month.

Nova Scotia's Department of Environment determined a 13-hectare fire in McGee Lake and a 120-hectare fire near Springfield were started in late May by "metal machine tracks creating sparks on rocky terrain."

The department didn't respond to questions about what machine made those tracks and what kind of work was being done, however logging machines such as feller bunchers and forwarders could create those kind of tracks.

Photos taken in both areas after the fires also show logging activity — there were piles of logs on the side of roads and charred stacks of logs.

"To be going into that kind of place and working, it just seems really risky," said Bev Wigney, who runs the Facebook group Annapolis Royal and Area Environment and Ecology.

"The ground is all dried out. It's really easy to go up in flames. Like you pick up a handful of moss or ferns and they're just like crumbling with dryness, and it takes nothing to set that kind of debris on fire."

She wants Nova Scotia to follow the lead of New Brunswick, which last week closed all Crown land, except provincial parks, to recreational and industrial activity, including forestry. 

Nova Scotia's Department of Lands and Forestry said it's working closely with the forestry industry to monitor conditions, but wouldn't say if a ban on forestry would be enforced. 

The 13-hectare fire near McGee Lake and the 120-hectare fire in Springfield were caused 'by metal machine tracks creating sparks on rocky terrain,' according to Nova Scotia Environment. (Brian Taylor)

Nova Scotia has been under a province-wide fire ban for more than a week. That means campfires and backyard fires aren't allowed, but forestry activity continues.

In addition to the Kings County fires, there were at least three other fires burning in remote areas of the province in late May, but Nova Scotia Environment couldn't determine their causes. 

The 120-hectare fire near Alton Road in Springfield was considered out of control due to high winds, and required more than 50 personnel and two helicopters to put it out. 

The Department of Lands and Forestry wouldn't say whether that fire was on Crown land. But a map of the fire area near Springfield provided to the Chronicle Herald matches with a provincial map online that shows forestry on Crown land.

The fire in the Springfield area appears to be on Crown land. (Harvest Plans Map Viewer)


Sunday 6 September 2020

Canada Fires Caused by LUMBER Mining

How long will it take Beautiful BC to turn to Burnt BC? And yet another lumber harvesting caused fire ... right next to the fire, notice the logging routes and clear cut patch, now dried out and left with combustible timber debris. Dear British Columbians and other Canadians, guess where all your beautiful forests are globally being sold to? All at the expense of your land, smoke-filled air, and lung health .... all of this for greedy careless puppet politicians, who simply follow orders to get paid.

* Various photos from BC and the Kootenay area

#forestfires #saveourchildren #saveourplanet #savethetrees #arrowlakes #beautifulbc #burningbc #kootenayfires #canada #forests #bc #nelson #castlegar #cranbrook